We've tried to answer as many of your questions regarding the minting process here.

After assigning your chosen account as regular key, we will disable the secret key of the minting wallet. You will then be the only person able to control the account, using your regular keys.

We’ll show you the transaction that disables the master keys. You can also have a look on Bithomp yourself, to verify the transaction.

The original master keys will be useless.

No, these keys will be disabled. Instead we will assign control of the minting account to an account of your choosing. This secret key will then be known as the regular key.

The XRP Ledger allows an account to authorize a secondary key pair, called a regular key pair, to sign future transactions. In simple terms, you allow a second account to control your first account.

We use regular keys to pass control of the minting account over to you.

No, the private key of the minting account will be disabled and become useless. Instead it will be replaced with the regular keys that only you have access to.

Unfortunately not. To ensure the minting account is secure, only you will have access to the regular keys and through it, access to the minting account. This is the only form of access to the account.

If you loose access to the regular keys, you will loose access to all NFTs in your minting wallet.

This is completely up to you. One account can be used as regular key for multiple other accounts. An account being used as regular key can also be used as normal account to transact on. In the end it will be your choice whether you want to separate the keys and use, or whether you want to combine accounts.

Please remember that if you loose access to the regular keys, you will loose access to all NFTs in your minting wallet.

There is no catch. We are not driven by profit. We simply want to recover some of the cost of building this tool. Once we do and there are no further features needed, this might become a free service.

Our tool is built for minting NFTs on the XRPL.

No, we only provide a minting service. You will be free to list your NFTs wherever you like, provided the marketplace accepts already minted NFTs.

In simple terms, we will create a new account and bulk mint all NFTs into it. Once we are done, we will sign over control of the account to you and remove all our access.

Our program that can rapidly mint 1000s of NFTs. It also removes any need to individually sign for each NFT.

Yes, you are able to specify the issuer wallet in the minting process.

You will need to grant us permission to mint on behalf of your chosen account. We will send you a XUMM request during the minting process.

You will need to hold 10 XRP to validate the account and 2-4 XRP for every 32 NFTs. This reserve will need to be paid in XRP before the NFTs can be minted.

We calculate the reserve based on 16 NFTs per page. This is the worst-case scenario. Usually you will have about 23 NFTs per page on average. Any remaining XRP not needed for the reserve will be left in the minting account so you have access to it. For more information, read this thread.

Remember that you’ll need an additional 2 XRP for every sell offer you create on your NFTs. You can transfer the XRP for this into the account at a later stage, after the minting is done.

The XRP transaction fees are around 0.00001 XRP per transaction. Each NFT to be minted will be one transaction, for example.

We will charge a minting fee per NFT. Please have a look at our pricing page for more detail.

No, there is a only one off charge. All fees earned thereafter belong to you.

Contact us at [email protected] and we’ll help you resolve the issues.

We create a new account every time we mint assets for you. You will be able to use the same issuer account, but NFTs will be held in separate accounts. You can also re-use the wallet you used as regular key.

If you set NFTs to be burnable during minting, you, as the issuer, will always be able to burn the NFTs, even when they have been sold.

This means that NFTs can only be bought and sold for XRP. Don’t set this if you want to trade the NFTs for any other coin.

NFTs that are set as transferable can be sold on the secondary market. If they are not set as transferable, they can only be transferred to and from the issuer.

Not enabling this would severely limit what you can do with your NFTs.

The transfer fee is like a royalty fee. You will earn this on all secondary sales of your NFT. If your NFTs are transferable, you will be able to configure a transfer fee between 0.000% and 50.000%, in 0.001% increments.

The transfer fee will be collected by the issuer wallet.

XUMM is a non custodial wallet on the XRPL. You can find out more about XUMM here.

You will need a XUMM wallet to use our minting services.

At present we only support XUMM. Please make sure that the wallet you are paying with is loaded in XUMM.

You can find detailed articles on how XUMM works here.

Once you are done minting, we will display the mint account wallet address. You should set this account up as a read only account in XUMM.

Here are the detailed steps to import a read only account.

  1. Open XUMM and navigate to accounts.
  1. Click on Add account and select Import an existing account.
  1. Choose Read only.
  1. Scan the QR code or enter the address.
  1. Give the account a name.

If you chose to create this account in XUMM, there is nothing you will need to do.

If the account isn’t yet in XUMM, you should import it as a full access account.

Here are the detailed steps to import a full access account.

  1. Open XUMM and navigate to accounts.
  1. Click on Add account and select Import an existing account.
  1. Choose Full access.
  1. Choose your preferred method of setting up the account and follow the on screen instructions.
  1. Give the account a name.

If you set up both, you regular keys account and the minting account, in XUMM, you will be able to transact with the minting account as normal. In fact, the account won’t feel any different from any other account.

XUMM will automatically pair up the accounts and show you the relationship between the two accounts.

  1. Don’t panic.
  1. Open XUMM and navigate to the account from which you paid the reserve and fees.
  1. Open the Events tab.
  1. Click on the transaction for the reserve and fee payment.
  1. Look at the ‘To’ account. This is your minting wallet.

The metadata of an NFT are additional details which describe the NFT. Examples of this are the NFT name, collection and attributes.

Adding metadata to an NFT helps better describe an NFT. It also creates a more scalable data structure around the NFTs. Most of these fields are common between different chains, further increasing interoperability.

The XRPL does not directly support adding metadata. This means that there are no fields or flags, such as whether an NFT is burnable, on the ledger. As a result users of the XRPL have come up with a standardised schema to use for the metadata.

This metadata file is stored off-chain and is referenced in the NFT.

Practically this means that if you want metadata to be associated with your NFT you will need to create metadata files for all of your NFTs.

No, once an NFT has been minted you are unable to add, remove or edit metadata. It is very important that you define the metadata before minting the NFT.

Still have questions? Contact us on [email protected].